
When should I contact a realtor and lender?

When should I contact a realtor and lender?

The way I run my business I don’t often think of my self as a sales person, more a facilitator to your dreams and financial goals. 

But a lot of people think of realtors as salespeople, and the same often goes for loan officers. This often leads to many people becoming hesitant to contact either until they think they are really ready and serious to start the home buying/selling process. As they do not want to be hounded or pressured. Maybe they have had a bad prior experience or have heard this from others. You yourself may be in that position. 

So I am often asked when is the right time to contact a realtor? 

I always say it’s never to early. As I mentioned previously my primary goal is helping facilitate your dreams, not make a sale. 

Sometimes that means advising that you take time to learn an area, or save up more money. Sometimes it’s having hard conversations. 

When you contact me early on in the process, I can start to educate you and help you to make sure you are taking the right steps to get towards your goals. 

Same goes for contacting lenders. I find people are even more hesitant to do so as they feel their financials should be in a perfect spot before calling a loan officer. This is not true. 

You really should be calling someone the second you decide home ownership is in your future. 

The people I work with are extremely caring and patient and love helping people figure out how to take the steps towards loan pre-approval and can often help you to get to an even better spot for your big move and at a quicker pace. 

Often this means telling you which debts are helpful to pay off and which ones actually don’t matter much. It’s creative ways to improve your credit. It’s a helpful sounding board when your not sure what to do next. 

Basically when you contact me and my loan partners, you won’t get a person who now will be hounding you multiple times a month, you’ll get someone that’s there to support you and help you along the way. 

The same goes when recomending realtors in other parts of the country. I personally interview and vet agents not only on their competency as a realtor but how they communicate with clients. Your experience is always the number one priority.

Curious about buying or selling? Contact us and we can help you take the first step towards home ownership or towards preparing your home for sale.

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